Igniting Minds & Shaping Futures
Sixteen weeks of an active educational engagement with High Schoolers has ushered a daily churn of knowledge. On the eve of the high point of seasonal festivities I find myself pitch-forked into the epitome of learning that encapsulates a voyage that began with pre-primary steps around five and a half decades ago. Today there is no intimidation facing the magnitude of the ocean of learning and yet there is the sense of responsibility as part of the Curricular Area Group - Social Science to define Text Books and Content of Middle & High School Education. Yes it is an honour to be one of the cogs in the National Curriculum Framework as delightfully notified on 8th November 2023 from the Ministry of Education and intimated by NCERT. Dear Reader - what is your V.O.I.C.E. of encouragement and empowerment?

As the Vedic invocation "तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय" (Tamaso Mā Jyotirgamaya) inspires us to move from darkness towards light, it echoes a sentiment that resonates with the Biblical metaphor, "You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden." This universal call to seek wisdom forms the foundation of our journey towards enlightenment, a journey that education can illuminate. These hours and days have enabled reflections that churn every learning I have gone through. What is your reflection? Allow me to share my thoughts and I hope to receive your contribution to see a rekindling of the “Social” of “Science” in Indian Education.
सशक्तिकरणं प्रति ज्ञानसागरे मथनस्य माध्यमं शिक्षा भवतु! Let education be the medium for a churn in the ocean of knowledge towards empowerment!
I will certainly reach out with inputs from you towards making this quote come to life.
Meanwhile, would you agree that the voyage of learning is one taken to transition from darkness to light through an Education that Enlightens. This journey may be best attained through a new articulation of the V.O.I.C.E. framework.
Vitalize with Vision: Let the vision of a world enlightened by knowledge inspire us. In every book, lecture, and discussion, there is the potential to turn the page from ignorance to insight.
Overcome with Openness: Openness to new ideas and experiences is the key to dispelling the darkness of narrow-mindedness. Education encourages us to embrace diverse perspectives and seek understanding.
Illuminate with Integrity: Integrity lights up the path of learning, ensuring that the pursuit of knowledge is also a pursuit of truth. Education at its best upholds this, fostering minds ready to shine with honesty and authenticity.
Cultivate with Curiosity: Curiosity is the spark that ignites the mind's potential. An education that cultivates a questioning spirit keeps the flame of curiosity alive, driving us to explore and understand the world in a new light.
Elevate with Empowerment: Empowerment through education creates beacons of change. It uplifts not only the individual but also the community, encouraging each to become a guiding light for others.
In honouring these timeless calls to enlightenment, let us commit to an education that brings light into the lives of individuals and communities alike. Gift the 'Find Your V.O.I.C.E.' program to someone embarking on their educational journey and watch as they become luminaries in their own right, guiding others towards wisdom and understanding. Would you be interested in the process of Empowerment & Enlightenment? Reach out by email to ceo@johnsonodakkal.com. Today!
Festive Greetings to each one of you. “May the Celebration of Lights bring Enlightenment and Empowerment in this Season!” “प्रकाशोत्सवः अस्मिन् ऋतौ बोधं सशक्तिकरणं च आनयतु!”